Le attività per l'internazionalizzazione del dottorato ICTH sono supportate dalla Commissione per l’internazionalizzazione del dipartimento DIETI, il cui sito è disponibile all’indirizzo:
- Tesi in Cotutela
- Titolo di Doctor Europaeus
- Corsi e Seminari di ricercatori di Università ed Enti di Ricerca esteri
The internationalization activities of the ICTH doctorate are supported by the Internationalization Commission of the DIETI department, whose website is available at:
The DIETI website for internationalization contains information on international agreements and funding opportunities, as well as on services useful to international students and visitors,
such as the International Welcome Desk of the Federico II University, which provides assistance with accommodation, visa, tax code, etc.
For information, you can write to the DIETI Commission for internationalization at the email address:
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- Co-tutelle thesis
- Title of Doctor Europaeus
- Courses and seminars by researchers from foreign universities and research institution