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    ECSEL - Enhancing Cyber Security, rEsiliency and privacy of medicaL devices and patient data

    DIETI Contact person / Partner: Marcello Cinque 


    Our lives depend more and more on the correct functioning of computer-based medical devices, ranging from wearable appliances to surgical robots. Nevertheless, as also witnessed by recent studies, software malfunctions and cyber attacks targeting such devices may harm patient health or cause sensitive data leakages.  With the collaboration of Italian and foreign partners, the aim of the research is to analyze the potential threats in current and future medical applications and define/experiment actionable countermeasures.



    • Analyze the current practice for patient data treatment and data collection from real equipment;
    • leverage real-time data analytics solutions for on-line fault or attack detection;
    • Experiment with real-time software containerization to isolate critical components.



    Can be assigned to one doctoral student of cycle XXXVI 

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