Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.x

Social Robot for a Personalized Assistance of Vulnerable Population

DIETI Contact person / Partner: Silvia Rossi


Remote Surgical Training (ReST) on Da Vinci platforms consist in dislocating tutor and second console in an operation room (OR) adiacentent to the Operation Room where the trainee is. 

Main Steps:

  1. Use the environmental video camera of the main Operation Room also connecting it to the tutor console in the adjacent room so that (s)he can see and monitor everything that happens;
  2. Perform remotely training tests;
  3. Evaluate the data and performance by the whole OR team;
  4. Make a statistical study of the data collected and prepare a detailed report on the results;


The research focuses on human factors and pedagogical effects of remotely training. The intent is to evaluate how the human-machine relationship for the trainee changes without the physical presence of tutor in the main OR. Methods to facilitate communication between tutor and trainee with respect to the operating room environment will be explored. The trainee’s performance score will be evaluated.



Can be assigned to one doctoral student of cycle XXXVI

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