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II year-end examination: date and time

Examination date is postponed to October 29, Tuesday, starting at hour 12.30

in the Softel room on the first floor building 3 / A Via Claudio.

Doctoral students are reminded that:

1) Presentations that you will keep (slide and speech) will be in English. Your reports must be produced in English.

2) You are requested to upload your TRAR e YEP filled documents in our PhD web site (reserved area) whose URL is:
by October 25, in advance of your presentation to let the Board analyze your documents.

3) Please include the CS summary as a table within your TRAR. Do not upload the BA forms, nor any other document (certificate attestation and the like).

You may contact Dr. Baruffini (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. ) for any inconvenient or suggestion concerning the uploading phase.


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