Vinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.xVinaora Nivo Slider 3.x


    The training process is personalized. Each student along with the Tutor and PhD Board shall jointly determine the educational activities to be reported on a study plan.


    The training program is divided into three years.

    The minimum and maximum number of credits per year and activity (modules, seminars and research) is as follows (60 credits per year).  


    Year Modules Seminars Research

    1 st

    min 20 -max 40

    min 5 -max 10

    min 10 -max 35

    2 nd

    min 10 -max 20

    min 5 -max 10

    min 30 -max 45

    3 rd

    min 0 -max 10

    min 0 -max 10

    min 40 -max 60


    • I year.
      • Focus is on the stage of knowledge through the integration of the cultural heritage of each individual student. Central role in education are played by Modules adapted from M.Sc. courses with particular regard to those managed by DIETI. Teaching style is prevalently oriented to theoretical issues exposed in classroom lessons.
    • II year.
      • Focus is on the stage of competence (skills) through the integration of design skills of each individual student. Central role has education offered by the ad hoc modules. Teaching style is prevalently oriented to practical issues proposed in laboratory activities.
    • III year.
      • Focus is on the customization stage of knowledge and skills. The activity is devoted to develop a doctoral thesis. The thesis will cover a proposed research theme is carried out by the tutor and the student with originality, both in terms of ideas and content. Teaching modules are normally not included in students study plane.

    Progetto formativo del dottorato per il XXXVIII ciclo



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